# footprint
footprint: [ [0.550, -0.450], [-0.550, -0.450], [-0.550, 0.450], [0.550, 0.450] ]
footprint_padding: 0.0

# replanning
controller_frequency: 5.0   # run controller at 5.0 Hz
controller_patience: 15.0    # if the controller failed, clear obstacles and retry; after 15.0 s, abort and replan
planner_frequency: 0.0       # don't continually replan (only when controller failed)
planner_patience: 5.0        # if the first planning attempt failed, abort planning retries after 5.0 s...
max_planning_retries: 10     # ... or after 10 attempts (whichever happens first)
oscillation_timeout: 30.0    # abort controller and trigger recovery behaviors after 30.0 s

recovery_behavior_enabled: true
recovery_behaviors: [{name: conservative_reset, type: clear_costmap_recovery/ClearCostmapRecovery}, {name: aggressive_reset, type: clear_costmap_recovery/ClearCostmapRecovery}]
  reset_distance: 3.0        # clear obstacles farther away than 3.0 m